Jan 21, 2022

Monday, January 24th
Dress for Success Day
Girls Basketball Game Postponed

Wednesday, January 26th
Girls Basketball Game Postponed

Thursday, January 27th
Individual Spring Pictures- Order forms will be coming home, but you may also order...

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Jan 15, 2022

Monday, January 17th
No School- MLK Day

Tuesday, January 18th
Hoodie Day- Canned Food Drive Reward

Wednesday, January 19th
Hoodie Day- Canned Food Drive Reward
Hat Day- Canned Food Drive Reward

Thursday, January 20th
Hoodie Day- Cann...

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Grades are now available to view on Aspire for 2nd quarter.

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Our Chirp Spring Choir begins soon! It is for 3rd-6th grades and will begin on Wednesday, February 2nd. Sign up using this link:
Chirp sign up

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You may now order your yearbooks for the 2021-2022 school year. Jr. High yearbooks are available for $25.00 and elementary are available for $20.00. To order, please follow these steps:
1. Go to this website:

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