Aug 26, 2022

Monday, August 29th
A Day
Dress for Success Day
School Pictures- you may order online by going to and use School ID EVTM2K6W7
Cross Country 3:15-4:45pm - you do not need to try out, but please use this link to sign up: https:/...

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Like to sing? Perform? Or just meet new friends?
Open enrollment for our elementary school choir “CHIRP” starts now!
Don’t miss out on this opportunity!! Once enrollment is over - so is your chance to participate in choir this school year.


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Aug 23, 2022

Picture day will be on Monday, August 29th. Flyers will be sent home, but you may also order online. To order go to and enter picture day ID EVTM2K6W7

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Parents and Athletes please see below the list of girls who made the Highmark soccer team.
Numbers were given to players at tryouts.

Athletes need to meet after school, tomorrow Wednesday Aug 24, in Room 113 dressed for soccer. Additionally th...

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Cross Country will start on Monday, August 29th not today, August 22nd. Thank you for your understanding.

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